This super premium stew has a hearty taste and texture dogs crave. That’s because it’s made with shreds...
Prepared with delicious, whole food ingredients, Health Extension Grain Free Chicken & Turkey Little Bites Recipe is packed...
When your dog gets a whiff of this uniquely tasty food, she’ll think she’s at a seaside café!...
Our Mediterranean Roast, Lamb Recipe is prepared with tender pieces of lamb, cooked to perfection, to get your...
There’s an appetite for adventure in every dog, which is why we created Grain Free Venison Little Bites...
There’s nothing like the flavor of real salmon, especially when it comes from the pristine depths of the...
Green Tea + Mandarin Restores & rehydrates with our unique blend of probiotics which are a natural defense...
The result of over 30 years of nutritional know-how, this savory, highly digestible recipe is formulated especially, to...
Our Oven Baked Treats are the perfect snack to offer your pup in-between meal times. Made with nutrient...
This smooth paté is prepared with tender chicken as the first ingredient, which along with real salmon is...
Aloe + Tea Tree Refreshes & soothes with our unique blend of probiotics which are a natural defense...
Lavender + Eucalyptus Soothes & moisturizes with our unique blend of probiotics which are a natural defense against...
Ari’s Probiotic Flea & Tick Shampoo with Tea Tree and Lemongrass is the perfect solution for helping your...
Health Extension Gently Air Dried Complete dog food is a convenient and cost effective alternative to homemade, frozen,...
Vanilla + Almond Gentle & moisturizes with our unique blend of probiotics which are a natural defense against...
ARI Probiotic Puppy Shampoo Vanilla + Almond for you puppy will gently clean and deodorize their skin and...
The result of over 30 years of nutritional know-how, this terrifically tasty recipe is formulated especially, to meet...
Health Extension Gently Air Dried Complete dog food is a convenient and cost effective alternative to homemade, frozen,...
Your dog will drool when you open a package of Health Extension Grain Free Oven Baked Dog Treat...
Our Oven Baked Treats are the perfect snack to offer your pup in-between meal times. Made with nutrient...